Technical Models
About Technical Models
The Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District is committed to managing the District’s groundwater resources in an efficient and economical manner based on sound and objective science as encapsulated in the most recent Management Plan approved in April 2014. A key component to this overall management process is the CAGCD’s network of water-level and chloride-level monitor wells along with the aquifer modeling program being conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey.
The modeling effort will soon provide within the next several years a comprehensive view of groundwater flows and saltwater migration within the aquifer system at Baton Rouge and enable the CAGCD to utilize the best available science for appropriate consideration in future actions. This may include reductions or relocations of groundwater use or the employment of cutting edge technology to mitigate the impact of saltwater encroachment, such as the “scavenger well” installed to prolong the life of the public supply well field at the Lula Street Station of the Baton Rouge Water Company.
In addition to the modeling work being done by USGS, the CAGCD also supports the continuing investigations of a team of researchers at LSU who are providing valuable insight into the architecture and mechanical operation of local aquifers. The work of these scientists is providing the CAGCD with the information needed to effectively manage the District’s groundwater resources for a sustainable future.
Groundwater Models
The mission of the Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District is to provide for the efficient administration, conservation, orderly development and supplementation of groundwater resources in the parishes of Ascension, East Baton Rouge, East Feliciana, Pointe Coupee, West Baton Rouge and West Feliciana.
The Capital Area Groundwater Conservation District will develop, promote, and implement management strategies to provide for the conservation, preservation, protection, recharging and prevention of waste of the groundwater resources, over which it has jurisdictional authority, for the benefit of the people that the Capital Area District serves.
Map of Wells in Capital Area Groundwater District

Saltwater Intrusion Models
Saltwater intrusion is a phenomenon where saline water from the ocean infiltrates and contaminates freshwater aquifers or surface water sources located near coastal areas. The encroachment of saltwater can have detrimental effects on the quality of freshwater supplies, making them unsuitable for consumption or irrigation and posing a significant challenge to coastal communities and ecosystems.

Learn More About USGS Groundwater Models
Charles E. Heywood, John K. Lovelace and John M. Griffith